Forum Discussion

ThomasGjerlv's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Help needed for customized "pick many quiz" with multiple drop downs (first time posting).

Hi all.

This is my first time posting in here , so I hope you can help me out!

I have tried to create a "pick many" interaction with many drop downs. However, the only thing I cannot make work, is the button, I plan to use to submit results (see attached picture).

The button (1) is initially disabled, but I am trying to change its state to Normal based on a trigger (3) that links to the 4 text fields (2), which are controlled by another set of triggers, that tells whether a choice has been picked from all drop downs (4).

The text fields (2) will be invisible to the user and links to the completion criteria for the quiz.

Can anybody help?
I have also attached my storyline file.

Thank you so much in advance


  • GarthYorko-TE's avatar
    Community Member

    I changed the initial state of the No Picked Answer text boxes to Hidden.  Then I changed the trigger to Change the state of the Continue button to Normal when the state of all of the No Picked Answer text boxes ARE NOT Hidden

    That seems to fix your issue. See attached

    • ThomasGjerlv's avatar
      Community Member


      Thank you so much.


      Seems like the ARE NOT NORMAL trigger, doesn't work in these type of scenarios. Good to know for future references.

      I actually made a really complicated work-around involving 4 T/F variables and one counter variable, but yours is definitely simpler. 


      I will pass on the knowledge to any new user out there, if I spot anyone with the same problem


      Kind regards, T