Forum Discussion

SteveWaide's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Help with drag and drop activity much appreciated please ...

Client has a drag and drop interaction they want me to create for the web platform I have created for them. 

The company provides a series of units of work for teachers to plan into their schedules during the year - and they want to enable teachers to select which units they want to teach and drag them into a choice of 12 possible areas (representing the time slots during the school year).

They would then like the teacher to be able to output this file as an image, or in word … so they can use it in their planning and displays. 

So in my storyline file attached, the assets represent these units of work - each has a National curriculum quote associated with them. Ideally I would like to design this so these auto populate below the relevant unit - when a teacher drags it into this position. (This isn’t a deal breaker - I can attach them together - so when one is dragged they both move together)

I have created drag and drop activities and understand that usually each drag object has a ‘correct target area … this time however, each drag object can be dragged into any area. (This isn’t an assessment activity, it simply needs to create a schedule for the teacher.)

I was imagining that the teacher - looking at the blank schedule - would click a button - and be able to select which units they wanted to appear on the page.

These would then appear as draggable objects to be dragged into the time slots they desire.

I imagined teachers being able to go back into the menu and select them some more - perhaps taking some out - or adding different ones … (with each item able to be selected more than once.)

I hope some of that makes sense!

Is this possible in Articulate storyline? And could anyone give me an idea of how to achieve this? 

It has been 8 years since I used this software and I must admit to being a bit of a beginner again! 

Your help is much appreciated - as I would like to get as close to this desired outcome as I can … and I lack the ability to look at this knowing what all the options are and decide on how to proceed. 

I am happy to simplify this, from their desired outcome too - I just am not sure what is possible, and what isn’t. 

Help would be much appreciated. 


Thank you,



  • You can't do this using a Drag and Drop quiz because, as you say, each drag item can have only one target. To make it work, you would have to create it from scratch.

    It can be done, easily enough for one teacher, but I have questions about what happens when you add a second teacher, if I am understanding the description correctly.  To make already chosen sections disappear, or unavailable, you would have to have open the project on only one computer, and keep it open for all the teachers.

    I would use a spreadsheet on a shared drive. Create as much description as needed, 12 time slots, and let the teacher enter their name in the appropriate places. I don't think it can be done in SL, and would take days if it could. In a spreadsheet; minutes and printing it is already built in..

    Personal rant: Drag and Drop is very alluring, appealing, and glamorous, but has some serious drawbacks. It doesn't always work well on touch devices, and isn't disability friendly. Users with lower tech skills may struggle to figure it out, while almost everybody can enter their name. I love the idea, but don't use it.

    P.S. The file didn't attach. Be sure you use a browser, and not a phone to attach it.