Forum Discussion

MarshallHart700's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Hide Show next slide button based on visited states

Hello, I want to create a button that takes the user back to the main menu, once all of the content on a slide has been visited. I have succssfully disabled the player  next button, and have built a custom chevron button that I want to appear once the three items on the slide have been visited. I want it fully hidden ultimately, and then for it to appear as a clickable button once those conditions have been met. I currently have it set to disabled rather than hidden for ease of visibility. 

I have two slide triggers set up. One to sset state to normal if chevron 1-3 are visited. and one to set state to disabled if the state of  chevron 1-3 is normal. In preview mode all chevron buttons change state as you visit them, but the Back to menu button does not change. What am I doing wrong here.

I also have an object trigger to go back to main page when the back to menu button is clicked.

  • I see your first chevron is part of a group. Please do yourself a favor and ungroup it.

    There is an old saying in the theater: "Anyone who puts kids or animals on the stage deserves what happens to them." That means that no matter how well-behaved, or well-trained you think they are, at some time they are going to revert to their true nature, and you can only hope it doesn't happen during a performance.  The SL correlation is: "Anyone who uses groups deserves what happens to them." That means that no matter how well-behaved or how well-trained you hope they are, groups don't play nicely with anything, and especially not states, clicking on, and triggers. Sooner or later, you are likely to have problems with them.

    I used a group in SL once, and it worked the way I wanted. I think it was in 19...  No, wait. I'm thinking of another program, Maybe it was ...  Well,you get the point; groups don't work in SL. Pretty much you can use groups, or you can have triggers and states that work, but not both. I would counsel you to avoid them if at all possible, and get rid of any of them that aren't absolutely, absolutely necessary. If you absolutely must have 2 or more objects that stay together, and act as one object (there are a lot fewer of those than most people think), then do it in a way that won't cause you heartache later. Create them all separately, select the next one up, copy it, edit the state of the bottom one and paste the upper one onto the bottom's Normal state. (repeat if necessary until you reach the top). That way, they become truly one object - all the benefits of groups, and none of the potential problems.

    Also, just as a design consideration, I open the slide, and I see things that look like arrows pointing to ovals, with labels that make me want to see that information. So I click on the oval that the arrow points to, and nothing happens. I'm frustrated. Why are the ovals there? If you have to have them  so the check marks have a home, I would place them to the left of the chevrons.

    As to your problem with the back button, blame this trigger:


    It can fire only at the moment the timeline starts, and the chevrons can't be in Visited state yet.

    I would use this instead:

    That guarantees that the learner not only visits each layer, but stays on it for a set period of time. More importantly, it allows the layers to be visited in any order. One caveat, if you skip ahead in the video, the chevron isn't changed until the end of the layer timeline.

  • First of all thank you for the design advice, I had not considered this, and will re-evaluate after I have a functioning project. 

    Second, thanks for the uploading your functioning project, it works with one disabled trigger and one functioning trigger (which leads me to believe only one trigger is actuially required, but this does nto seem right to me?) I hav e tried to replicate thsi exactly, and it is not working for me.  (see attached). I am clearly missing something, or my Articulate is having a moment.

    I also tried your suggested trigger fix above with the when timeline ends, but this too did not seem to do anything, and I notice that you do not have this trigger in your fix, I do want to understand why thifgs are not working for me so I woudl appreciate if you can explain where i have gone wrong.

    Lastly, the caveat that if you  skip ahead in the video, the chevron isn't changed until the end of the layer timeline, is there a way to make the Back to menu chevron clickable as soon as the conditions are met regardless of statusof the timeline? Many thanks for your informative help so far.