Forum Discussion

LarryWleczyk's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Hotspot slide opens without a question box

I'm new and this is probably my error but it is frustrating none the less. I want to use hotspots to create some training.I go the the Home tab choose, 1. New Slide

2. Freeform Question,  3. Then I choose Hotspot 4. Then insert slide.

The slide opens but there is no place to add a question? Can anyone help? see attachment



  • With a hotspot question, you build the slide entirely, then place hotspots over it. The learner clicks one of the hotspots, and submits to see if it was the right spot to click. The question will probably be put on the slide in a text box or text on an object.

  • LarryWleczyk's avatar
    Community Member

    I've attached a file of the hotspot that did come up with space for a question. I only got this one time. I'm not sure if I did anything different but this was the only time it worked like I wanted.

  • Hi Larry! This is a great question and what you're noticing is the difference between a "Graded Question" slide and a "Freeform Question" slide. Here's a quick recording to show you the difference!:

    When you choose freeform question, or build a slide and then "convert to freeform", you just need to identify the hotspot that's the correct answer to the question. But if you choose the Graded Question slide, it prompts you to ask the question in the form view, as opposed to just adding that question on the freeform slide yourself in the form of a text box.

  • Hi Larry,

    Thanks for reaching out today! I understand you want to create a form-based hotspot question so you can enter the question details into it. To be able to utilize that option you'll want to create a graded hotspot question. The freeform hotspot question doesn't give that option. After clicking Slides >> Graded Question, click the Hotspot option in the Graded Questions window. Here's a screenshot highlighting that option.


    Also, here's an article with more on adding form-based questions!

    I hope this helps!