Forum Discussion

ChristophSchmol's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

How do I keep quiz slides locked until the training slides have been worked through?

One of our customers wants trainees to visit at least 80% of all slides in the course before the quiz module becomes available. Is there an easy way to implement this?

Also, is there a way to add check marks to visited slides in the TOC only after they have actually been completed? By default, the check mark is already set when you open a slide but haven't spent any time on it yet.

Thank you for any hints and best regards,

  • Variables might help here. Create a project variable of type Number, with an initial value of zero. Add a trigger at the start of the quiz slide that Jumps to Slide if the value of the variable is less than some value; say 8. Last, scatter on-timeline-start variable increment triggers throughout the slides in a random pattern. The trigger on the quiz will jump to another slide if the variable is less than the sum of the variable when the learner runs through 80% of the slides.

    Regarding checkboxes, I don't believe check boxes are possible through I'd defer to one of the SL forum heros. I think text color is the indicator of 'visited' in the TOC

  • Hi Brian, thank you so much for your help.

    I'm looking for a way to block access to the quiz slides until at least 80% of the training slides have been visited. So the goal is not to jump to a quiz slide automatically when this value is reached, but to activate the quiz in the TOC menu. The ideal solution would be to have the quiz as a greyed-out TOC item that becomes clickable after enough training slides have been visited.

    Regarding the checkmarks: I'm refering to the "visited" checkmarks in the TOC menu (see attached image). These are being set simply by clicking on a slide which makes them kind of meaningless. I'm looking for a way to have the checkmark NOT appear in the TOC until the associated slide has actually been viewed in its entirety (end of timeline).

    • JoseTansengco's avatar

      Hello Christoph,

      Modifying the appearance of the menu according to your requirement is currently not possible. I recommend exploring Brian's suggestion of using variables and triggers to control when the quiz in your course will be come available. One other way you could set it up would be to:

      1. Add a 'Hidden' button to your course that redirects your learners to your quiz. You can place this button in the Slide Master layout so that it will be accessible to all slides that use the layout. 
      2. Restrict the navigation of your course.
      3. Add triggers so that the button that redirects the learners to the quiz will change state to 'Normal' when the learners reach the 80% mark of the course.

      I've attached a sample project file so you can see how this works. You can also customize the menu to remove the quiz slides from view, since it will only be accessible once your learners reach 80% of the quiz. 

      I'll let other members of the community chime in with their own suggestions so you can choose which one works best for you!

      • ChristophSchmol's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Jose,

        thank you for your elegant solution and the story file!
        Your approach comes very close to what I'm trying to achieve. I will propose this solution to the customer and hope that they will agree to it.

        Thank you again and best regards,

  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Christoph,

    As of now, I don't see any other way to have the checkmark NOT appear in the TOC until the associated slide has actually been viewed in its entirety (end of timeline) without help of JavaScript. I created a little mockup of what I think you are looking for. Please disregard if you're not comfortable with JavaScript or not a big fan of JavaScript usage in the Storyline. Actually, it is a combination of JavaScript and the Storyline custom variables that will check whether JavaScript codes will be executed or not in order to toggle the checkmark visibility. See the attached video. 

  • Hi Nedim,

    thank you so much for your suggestion!
    The mockup does exactly what I'm looking for regarding the TOC checkmarks. Would you mind sharing your story file so that I can have a closer look at the JS code?

    Best regards,