How does one add a "lesson" to a course in RISE 360
I got lesson one complete and now want to start on Lesson 2 in a course I am reworking in RISE to align with an upcoming plan to move compliance training into a new LMS. The content needs to be reworked a bit to fit into the constraints of RISE, but I know I will never be able to learn Storyline in the short term, as there are a lot more bells and whistles to figure out and I have a deadline.
I cannot seem to add a second lesson to the course. I watched several videos and they went too fast and did not explain in enough detail for me to get much out of it.
I am tasked with creating trainings however it is not the main part of my job, so I am not at all an instructional designer by trade. I like learning, so I am excited about it, but I am being beaten down by software that I have no idea how it is meant to be used.