Forum Discussion

JosieHunt's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

How edit triggers in feedback master?

I'm using a feedback master for a quiz that, like all of them, has built-in triggers. In my case, the trigger default for the continue button is to "Jump to slide when the timeline ends" and "Hide this layer when the timeline ends". I need these triggers to be edited to "when the user clicks button". I know I can edit directly on each slide, but I have over a hundred slides. How do I edit the master feedback?

  • JosieHunt's avatar
    Community Member

    Unfortunately, the feedback masters don't show the triggers. The built-in triggers are attached to the quiz form. And when I try to add them to the master, they don't show up.

  • At this point, troubleshooting is just guessing without seeing the .story file. If you upload it, someone might be able to solve the issue.

    Here are the best practices for uploading a .story file:

    • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
    • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
    • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
  • On a question slide's Correct and Incorrect layers, the built-in triggers for the Continue button are to hide the layer and jump to the next slide when the user clicks Continue

    For example, if I insert a new question in your file, here's the triggers for the Correct layer: 

    In other words, "when the timeline ends" isn't the trigger default. Those triggers must have been edited at some point. Or, perhaps, the triggers were edited on one question slide, and then that slide was duplicated to create all the other question.

    Unfortunately, that means you will have to edit them again to make them run when the button is clicked. 

    Because you have so many slides, I think the simplest way to change them would be to edit the triggers on one button. Copy that button. Then, on each layer of each question slide, delete the existing button and paste the edited one. 

  • JosieHunt's avatar
    Community Member

    Either way, it's a lot of work and I have a long night in front of me... sigh. The feedback masters are anything but user-friendly.