Forum Discussion
- JHauglieCommunity Member
Linking two SL *.story files (regardless of where they are published) would not be something you can do outside of a learning system.
What you might consider doing is taking the two published outputs and connecting them in the learning management system. (I've done that.) The second story is contingent on passing the first story, but both are "seen" by the LMS as "one course" (object), and only one score is reported (from the second story). It's cumbersome but for what we needed to track it was the most reasonable approach.
- ChloeMayes-442aCommunity Member
Hi Joe,
Thank you for your feedback. I uploaded the course to a learning system (HealthStream) but when I click the link to the second course it does not open.
- JHauglieCommunity Member
If both story files are loaded to your LMS, and one plays but the other does not, that's likely a problem within the LMS, not Storyline.
If you have linked to the second course from within the first course (and it sounds like you have done so) you may still not be able to do what you are wanting; keep in mind that once you have loaded the *.story files to the LMS, you are likely going to need to configure the LMS to do what you want to see (click the link and launch the second *.story course).
Also, the LMS may not be reading the configuration correctly (that is, the LMS is not seeing the connection between the two *.story files). But that's all within the LMS to troubleshoot.
Good luck!