Forum Discussion

Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

new storyline version (3.76) - new bug

after 5 minutes testing:

with the new version the logic of the name of the publish folder is changed again - no infos in the release notes !!!

... V3.69 - Titel "empty-3.69" -> publish folder "empty-3.69 - Storyline output"

V3.70 ... V3.75 - Titel "empty-3.75" -> result folder "empty-3.75"

V3.76 - Titel "empty-3.76" -> result folder "empty-3 .76" [with an extra space before every dot]

Titel "empty-" -> folder ".empty-1 .2 .3 .4 .a .b .c .d" [e.f.g.h missing]

is there a reason why this happens - maybe i can figure it out


  • Hello Everyone! ✨

    I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.77.30568.0).

    In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

    • Storyline 360 could crash when projects had special characters in their titles. Output folder names may be different from project titles.

    As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

    Update Authoring Apps

    If you have any questions, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

    Have a great day! 

  • and another effect of the "dot" bug

    • the scorm-packages will be named wrong
    • Title: "a.b example dragDrop question" -> scorm package name ""

    it seemes the side effects of a non documented bug fix for publishing "Adaptive Video"

    • scorm package created with with 3.75 -> damaged zip files
      (every LMS, which checks the scorm zip before installing, will reject these files)

    • this is with 3.76 solved

    • but with some side effects

    @articulate: the version history of 3.76 is incomplete, please complete them*


    * e.g: the fix of bug "renaming in the timeline panel" (case 03129448 from 2022.03.11)

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      and another "convertion" bug (without 'dot')

      Title: "47 - Example_Essay (3_75)" -> Folder "Example_Essay (3_75"

      start and end missing

      @articulate: what happens here?

  • Title: ")))))" -> Storyline 3.76 crashes without any error message (while starting publish to web)

    @articulate: please test your software before publishing new versions !!!!!

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi Jürgen,

      Good catch! We're already looking into these bugs introduced in the latest Storyline update: 

      • Putting a dot on the title will result in an extra space in the output folder during publishing.
      • When publishing, Storyline removes the closing parentheses from the folder title. Numeric characters and dashes are also removed from the beginning. A related issue is that using only closing parentheses causes a crash without an error message.

      We'll update this post once these problems have been addressed. In the meantime, we recommend renaming the output folder names; the title of the course itself and the zipped output are not affected.

      Regarding the Storyline Version History, our public release notes are prioritized based on impact, and we include high-profile bug fixes that affect many customers. Bugs with very limited impact, determined based on support cases, ELH discussions, and Storyline error reports, may not be listed. However, we contact every customer who reported an issue to let them know it's fixed, even if it doesn't appear in the public release notes.

      Let me know if you have additional questions. Thank you, Jürgen!

  • Hi Math and Maura,

    Thanks for letting us know an older version works well for you at the moment. Please share the issues you're having with the latest version so we can provide targeted help. Feel free to also reach out to our support engineers in a case so that we can dig deeper.

    I appreciate your patience!

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      more wrong chars for title to folder convertion

      "." -> " ." should be "." ("_", if the last char of the title is ".")

      ")" -> " )" should be ")"
      "]" -> " ]" should be "]"
      "[" -> " [" should be "["
      "," -> " ," should be ","
      ";" -> " ;" should be ";"
      "&" -> " &" should be "&"

      "!" -> "" should be "!"
      "(" -> "" should be "("

      ":" -> "" should be "_"
      "/" -> "" should be "_"
      "?" -> "" should be "_"
      '"' -> '' should be "_"

      and many more like

      "47 - Example_Essay (3_75)" -> "Example_Essay (3_75"

      but ok:

      and the test of empty string is missing for the folder -> storyline can crash on publish

  • I appreciate your help on this, Jürgen! I've added these to the bug report.

    For the last part of your message, did you mean using an empty string as the Title when publishing the course? I was not able to replicate the crashing issue.

    Please let me know if I understood it correctly. Thank you!

    •  set the title e.g. to "!(" (this will be internal "")
    •  then publish to web
    •  storyline will now crash without error message

    the check is internal at the wrong time - it must be right before the directory is created

    • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
      Community Member

      the problem is not the crash, it is the missing of the error message

      • Jürgen_Schoene_'s avatar
        Community Member

        one suggestion: articulate should introduce error numbers - that clearly show WHAT happened WHERE

        I know this is a lot of work - but it is worth it

        the new 64bit version of storyline would be just the right project for it

  • Hi Jürgen,

    I can confirm that Storyline crashes when using "!(" for the Title, and there is no error message; I've informed our team.

    I also think error numbers will be a great addition to Storyline as well. If this feature makes it into a future update of Storyline, we'll let you know!

  • Hello Everyone! ✨

    I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.77.30568.0).

    In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

    • Storyline 360 could crash when projects had special characters in their titles. Output folder names may be different from project titles.

    As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

    Update Authoring Apps

    If you have any questions, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

    Have a great day!