Forum Discussion
How to export audio from the recorded video using Replay?
Wow. When this popped into my email, I had to really remember what this thread was all about.
I don't have or use Articulate anymore, so I don't remember all the publication steps for Replay. Basically you want to end up with an .mp4 video file at the end.
The steps are based on this article from HowToGeek, which is old, and I am using the VLC 3.0.11.
Once you have the .mp4 file from Replay, open up VLC.
From the "File" menu, select "Covert & Stream."
A new dialogue box will open up.
Drag your file into the drop zone (or click the "Open media.." button and navigate to where your file is).
In the "Choose Profile" area, select one of the audio only options, such as "Audio - MP3".
Once those areas are set, click on the "Save as File," set the save location and file name, click "Go!," and let it run. It can take a little bit depending on the size and length of video file you are pulling from.
From here you are able to edit the audio in your program of choice, I tended to use Audacity.
Optional steps/ information:
Something to remember, careful with the audio length and try not to remove anything, as this will mess up the audio syncing to the video when you patch them together.
When you are done with the audio editing, export to either mp3 or wav. I am not sure.
(this next part is a little hazy).
In Replay, open your published video file that you pulled the audio from in source A and mute the audio for source A.
Add in the newly edited audio into source B. The wave form of both audio should be similar in shape.
Scrub through and make sure the audio is dong what you think it should be at key points.
Republish the video with a new title.
So, I think that wraps this up. With all of these steps, save your work often in case something doesn't work right.
I hope this helps and good luck.
In fact, even after all this time, the method of extracting audio from video using VLC is still basically the same. You can save your video in MP3, OGG, FLAC, etc with VLC media player.
However, note that if the original audio has multiple channels, the audio extracted with VLC will only retain two of them (usually L and R). That might be fine for daily use. But for further editing, things can be a little tricky (because this actually loses some data).
If your screen recording is in the MKV format, the best way is to use MKVToolNix. It has a GUI for easy use, and it is totally free. But the downside is that this GUI can only work with MKV files.
It's better to use FFmpeg for videos in other formats like MP4. FFmpeg can preserve the original audio quality (lossless). The downside is that you may need to know a bit about the command line, but it's not too difficult. Detailed steps can refer to in this article.