Forum Discussion

DeveloperIgniti's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

How would you confidently diagnose suspend_data is exceeding SCORM 1.2 limit?

I am working on a course that is possibly exceeding the 4,096 character suspend_data limit.

When the (completed) course is relaunched it is “forgetting” all progress beyond a certain point.

This does not happen when using SCORM 2004 3rd edition.

I decided to inspect the log in SCORM Cloud and it appears the suspend_data log contains 4,006 characters, so 90 characters short of the limit.

Is there some way I can confirm with high confidence that the SCORM data is being truncated? Can I check this somehow using Storyline debug mode?

Thanks in advance.

  • P.S. The suspend_data log contains 5,077 characters in SCORM 2004 3rd edition.

    I imagine the newer standard stores more data by default than 1.2, so I don't think this alone would confirm my suspicion.

  • It doesnt get truncated in scormcloud 


    A completed course will; load in review mode which typically ignores the resume data

  • Hi Phil,

    I think I understand what you're saying, but that does not match my observations.

    If I complete the course, then exit on the final page (SCORM Cloud reports complete) and relaunch, I am given the option to Resume, which I choose, but it takes me to a page about 70% the way through the course. My progress beyond this point is clearly lost because button states are not showing "visited" and the side nav menu (restricted mode) is locked for latter pages.

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      It never used to truncate, you can put into debug mode and see how much data is being sent.

  • I have reviewed the debug data and discovered this record right at the moment I was expecting:

    strSCORMErrorDiagnostic=cmi.core.suspend_data may not be greater than 4096 characters, your value is 4120 characters

    So I guess that settles it.

    I wish Storyline would show a visible caution when this happens. It would probably help diagnose a lot of potential problems.

    • PhilMayor's avatar
      Super Hero

      Storyline doesn’t constrain the data sent.

      A lot of LMSs ignore the limit or allow you to overrule it.

      Sent from my iPhone