Forum Discussion

PaulMcKay-7b19e's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Hyperlink to a section within a lesson in Rise

Hi there,

I was just wondering whether there is a way to hyperlink to a section of a course. I know there are the button option which allows you to move around to different lessons, however, I'm looking for a way to jump to a section within one lesson.


For example, when a user launches a lesson I will have a series of videos for them to watch, but at the top I would like to have a list of these videos and they could click a link to the relevant video without having to keep scrolling - is this possible?


Thanks in advance!


  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Paul,

    it's not possible to jump to a section within the same lesson.

    This very useful function has been requested many times, but it's currently not available. 

  • Hi Karl,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    I presumed that was the case. However, glad to hear I'm not the only one who has asked for it. Hopefully, this will be part of an update one day as I think it would be really useful.


  • Has there been any further development on this ability in the past 2 years?

  • Ditto! The ability to link to another section within a lesson would be super useful.

  • Hi Gareth, Sherri, and Janine,

    Thanks for following up on this request and sharing that this would be useful for you. Though I cannot give an estimate on the feature's availability because of factors like complexity, breadth, and engineering's current workload, we'd be sure to update this discussion if anything changes that might help regarding linking to specific lesson blocks.

    We're tracking votes for this feature, and we've added your voice to the report.

    • WendyBuehlman-8's avatar
      Community Member

      Desperately need that enhancement for the exact reasons the other requestors have stated. In my case, we are working with another application (AVA - Virtual Assistant) and would like to gather a URL to link to specific content contained within a Rise lesson. This is mostly for maintenance purposes. When something changes we can update it in Rise and not have to worry about updating it elsewhere.

    • CRios's avatar
      Community Member

      This feature would be extremely helpful for our team. 

  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    Keep in mind a Rise course is just a website: made from html, css, and javascript. In this example I'm using each section with a subheading to create what I call a 'jump menu' using html, css, and js that gets added to the lesson heading. I used AI to help write the javascript. AI is finally part of Rise:

    • JackieZahn-3691's avatar
      Community Member

      Phil, this is GREAT! Could you share more specifics around how you accomplished this?  Thanks!

      • PhilFoss's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Jackie thanks for some reason I don't get all notifications from this forum. I'll be putting together more info and documentation. It does require modifying your exported course files, I'm creating documentation on my recommended way to do this.

  • Hi Phil,
    This is amazing and exactly what I had in mind when I started this post. Would love to know how you've done this. Does this work if you're not exporting the file - in other words would it would if I'm just sharing a preview link with someone? 

    • PhilFoss's avatar
      Community Member

      It does require modifying the exported course,  I show the process here and I thank you for proposing this functionality, I don't think I would have thought of it without seeing your post and people upvoting this kind of feature. Note- it will not work on headings that are placed after a continue block.