Forum Discussion

AnikaMller-Kara's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Integrating Articulate into Moodle

Dear Community,

We are looking for support - we are experiencing trouble re the upload of Rise360 Micro-Learning modules into Moodle.

Initially, the upload worked without any problems, but after integrating some larger modules (100 - 190 KB), we now receive the error message "Error in IMS content" when trying to upload more content. This only happens with larger files (e.g. a file with 111 KB), smaller files can still be uploaded.

Has anyone experenced something similar or has any ideas on what to do?
We have not actually set a limit for upload content in Moodle, but perhaps we are limiting it via settings we are not aware of.

Technical details:
Moodle version: 4.3.4+ (Build: 20240301) (2023100903.03)
We save Rise360 Micro-Learning as scorm2004/scorm 1.2
In Moodle, we upload via IMS content (the same error is produced via learning package).

Thanks for any ideas / advice!

Best regards from Bremen


  • There are a few things that you might need to check - but the first one, for me, would be the Moodle maximum file upload size setting:

    Site administration>Courses>Course default settings >Files and uploads

    After that I would check the PHP configuration on your server which, again, may limit the maximum file size that can be uploaded.

    The upload_max_filesize and post_max_size directives in the php.ini file control these limits.

    Hope that helps.

  • Dear John,

    thanks a lot for your swift reply! We'll check this out and let you know what comes out of it.

    Our Moodle maximum file upload size setting was 500 MB, and we thought this refers to the size of the file uploaded in this one momente - does it actually refer to the total upload capacity in one course?

    Cheers John, we'll be in touch!

  • Hi Anika

    The maximum file upload size refers to the largest single file size you can load - not the whole course. BUT...

    The parameter can be set at 

    (a) Site level (as per my above post) 

    (b) Course Level (see below)

    (c) Activity level

    Obviously, the latter two cannot exceed the site level parameter.

    To set the naximum file upload size for a give course 

    Site administration>Courses>manage courses and categories

    Then find the course you want to set the limit for and click the 'Settings' wheel. Navigate down to the 'Files and uploads' section:

    But even then, it may well be the PHP limit that is causing the problem!!

    Best regards
