Integrating Articulate into Moodle
Dear Community,
We are looking for support - we are experiencing trouble re the upload of Rise360 Micro-Learning modules into Moodle.
Initially, the upload worked without any problems, but after integrating some larger modules (100 - 190 KB), we now receive the error message "Error in IMS content" when trying to upload more content. This only happens with larger files (e.g. a file with 111 KB), smaller files can still be uploaded.
Has anyone experenced something similar or has any ideas on what to do?
We have not actually set a limit for upload content in Moodle, but perhaps we are limiting it via settings we are not aware of.
Technical details:
Moodle version: 4.3.4+ (Build: 20240301) (2023100903.03)
We save Rise360 Micro-Learning as scorm2004/scorm 1.2
In Moodle, we upload via IMS content (the same error is produced via learning package).
Thanks for any ideas / advice!
Best regards from Bremen