Forum Discussion
Javascript question
As Shelly already mentions you are making some basic mistakes. Do use the console in the browser for clues on what is going wrong. You donot need to be a experienced programmer to use basic Javascript.
First very basic mistake you made, not related to Javascript, but to keeping your projects in Storyline clean and workable, is using the default 'Text Entry' naming of Storyline as your variable names. Do not do that. Every time you create a variable give it a recognizable custom name.
So here you see your code ( on the left ) compared with my code ( on the right )
'let' is just a modern version of 'var'.
When you compare it you will see quite some differences. First striking one is the Text Entry variable. If you run your version you will notice Storyline tells you it cant find TextEntry. Well there you have the first typo ;-).
Continuing you notice that you dont set variables when you get Thoughts from the Player...
so how do you plan to pass those to the email-script ?
And body_start is nowhere defined and set..
Plainly copying and pasting Javascript snippets you find, will in the end always give issues.
Do try to understand whats happening and why. Start using the console to debug your code.
But if you like the possibilities Javascript gives you in Storyline...the sky is the limit.
Here is your Storyline fixed and working.
Kind regards,
PS. Somehow your Storyline is incredibly large 160 MB + and i thus cannot add it to this post.
So adding the code as its working. Do hope you can get it working..
let player = GetPlayer();
let email=player.GetVar("emailAdress");
let subject="Full Item Spec Sheet";
let th1 = player.GetVar("Thoughts1");
let th2 = player.GetVar("Thoughts2");
let th3 = player.GetVar("Thoughts3");
let body_start = "You filled in "+th1+"and "+th2+". Finally you added "+th3+". Thanks for using our services.";
var mailto_link='mailto:'+email+'?subject='+subject+'&body='+body_start;,'emailWin');