Forum Discussion

VeronicaHern660's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Knowledge Check: Question bank

I have added a QB with 3 multiple questions each have feedback. But it doesn't allow me to go to next question. on Q1, i submit my answer, but no 'next', just the 'replay'. Questions don't advance when either getting right or wrong. Is that a system glitch?

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Veronica,

    If you create a Knowledge Check with a draw from a 3 question Question Bank, the student will only get one question as shown below.

  • i loaded all 3 questions, but i only have a replay and not a next to move to the next question. Is that not doable in QB?

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Veronica,

      When  you use a Knowledge Check with a draw from a Question Bank, the Knowledge Check can only present a single question from the Question Bank.

      To do what you are describing, you need to create a Quiz that draws multiple questions from a Question Bank.