Forum Discussion

MartinTilke-e92's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

labeled graphic marker

Hi there,

Is it possible to remove the animation from the labeled graphic markers?

Best regards


  • Hi MartinTilke-e92,

    Currently, there's not an option to remove the animation from the labeled graphic marker. We have a feature request logged for this, and I've shared your comments with our developers. We'll update this thread if we have any news to share!

  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    Martin, this css will stop the marker animation. I've noticed that if you have a large amount of markers, the animation can monopolize the user's CPU as its constantly calculating the pulse animation.

    button .labeled-graphic-marker__pin::after {

    I did a deep dive into restyling the markers with a css theme component in this video: