Forum Discussion

HenkTerblanc020's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Layer fails to show on replay of video

Hi SL 360 community

We are experiencing unexpected behaviour when publishing SL content to Review 360 and to SCORM, but all works as intended while previewing in the desktop app.

Symptoms: A layer (say layer 1) containing a video shows when the slide loads, video is set to play automatically. Once the video finishes playing, layer 2 shows 3 options: jump to the next slide, replay video (show layer 1) or show base layer.

In Review 360 and we also tested in Reach 360, when replaying the video, layer 2 doesn't display when the video in layer 1 finishes playing. Actually the video in layer 1 gets "stuck" at the end and nothing happens further.

We tried different layer settings, triggers, cue points etc, but no luck.

Attached are some screenshots, hopefully it will make sense.

Does anyone have a solution?

  • Without seeing your file it's difficult to diagnose the issue, but I think if you add a trigger to the button 'Replay video' that hides the video layer, followed immediately by another trigger that shows the video layer, that might help resolve the issue where the video gets stuck.

    I've just re-read your message and can see that Layer 2 doesn't appear once the video ends. Which trigger are you using to open it? Show layer 2 when timeline on video layer ends, or show layer 2 when media completes?


  • Hi Henrik,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I see you've connected with my teammate, Mick, in a support case. We'll continue the troubleshooting there!