Base layer playing while editing another layer
This affects all my files, so I believe this is a ME issue and not a file issue.
When I create a scene with a base layer and additional layers, when I am in the editor and hit play on the timeline for one of the additional layers, it is also triggering play on the base layer.
Notice, this is not an issue of it playing the audio/content incorrectly during an actual preview. This is when I'm trying to play a layer so I can figure out the correct placement of assets and cue points, but can't because there's background noise and activity.
My only work around has been to turn off visibility for objects on the base layer while I'm working. But, then I have to remember to turn them back on before previewing.
Is there a setting in the player that only affects editing?
In the attachment, you can see my settings, see what I'm doing (hitting play on the Category 2 layer) and can hear that there are 2 overlapping voices even though my layer only contains 1 video and 1 button. (the disabled menu is visual only, no audio/video)