Forum Discussion

KaylaDiLoren859's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Leaderboard with fake learners

Hi there,


I am creating a game where there will be a leaderboard. I want to show the top 5 point getters, where 4 people are fake names with fake (stagnant) scores and 1 is a tally of the points the learner earns while playing the game. 


It will be set up something like this:

Fake learner 1: 730 points

Fake learner 2: 610 points

Fake learner 3: 350 points

Fake learner 4: 110 points

User: 0-800 points depending on score earned as they progress through the course answering questions. 


How do I make the scoreboard visually update depending on the number of points the learner has at any given time? I.e. how do they move up the ranks when their score eclipses fake learner 4 of 110 points?


Thanks in advance!