Forum Discussion
Learner quitting quiz midway and restarting
- 3 months ago
The Player has a setting to control what happens when a user resumes a course.
If you set that to "Always resume," the course will return the user to where they were when the exited.
DawnBarker-c94b : By the way, there is another way to handle this. Don't tell them right away whether they answered correctly.
To do that, just set the Feedback dropdown to "None."
If you do that, be sure to give them the option to Review the quiz. With a Review, the program will automatically show a CORRECT or INCORRECT banner at the bottom. And you can set it show the correct answer(s) or not.
You can also provide question-specific feedback to guide them. To do that, you just need a Review layer on each question. You can add a layer with that specific name. Or the program will add it automatically if you enter text in the Post-quiz review field in Form View.