Forum Discussion

MathNotermans-9's avatar
Community Member
5 hours ago

Listing your own posts /contributions

One big disadvantage of the changes in the new community in my opinion is the 'lesser' searchability of your own posts and contributions.

In the past i used that to point potential clients to my Elearning Heroes profile and there they could check my work and contributions especially to Storyline related projects.

Now that isnot possible anymore as it is not as easy browsable anymore.
So i have to find another solution for that...but i really dislike it, as sharing projects this way was a great way. Helping the community, while building my portfolio.

  • I used to point folks toward my Articulate profile, too.

    One's own posts are still accessible. They're under the "Newest Topics" tab. 

    I've already put in a feature request to make that the default tab for a profile page.

    I also suggest that it be given a better name. ("Newest Topics" just sounds like a variation of "Most Recent.")