Forum Discussion

BrianCook-614f2's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

LMS Reporting Issues - P/F Options


I have attached a sample quiz at the end of several skill courses we have produced. The quiz needs 80 (4 of 5) to pass, but you can move past it and finish the course regardless. Most users hit "retry" and pass eventually. However, our LMS will occasionally report a "pass" with a non-passing score, even though the user retried and passed (ex, 1st time 40, 2nd time 100 - LMS report pass/40) 

But sometimes, we don't pass at all, and it gives us a pass. I have also included a couple of SSs. We selected Passed/Failed from the 4 LMS Reporting options. But the only tracking options are completed slide, learner "completes" a quiz (not necessarily passes), and/or a complete course trigger. 

AND the only option for a complete course trigger are Completed/Passed or Incomplete/failed.

Are we doing contradictory things here? Any advice or help is appreciated!

  • SandeepGadam's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Brian Cook, I've reviewed your SL file and I was able to replicate the same issue that you specified.

    I did test the output in SCORM Cloud, just in case. I then took a deeper look at your file and discovered that the Submit Results trigger was positioned in the third position within the KNOWLEDGE CHECK RESULTS slide.

    So what's going on here is that for the first time, the results were successfully being recorded in the SCORM Cloud when a user completes the course and then Exits. However, the results were not being recorded the second time a user retook the course; instead, it merely displayed the Success/Failure layers.

    After moving Submit results to the top of the trigger list, I tested it again, and it is now operating as intended. Please use the screenshot that is attached as a reference.

    • BrianCook-614f2's avatar
      Community Member

      Excellent, thank you. This was a weird Anomaly, but I am glad we now have a fix!

  • You are tracking using two methods, with tracking it is not a combination of the two but an either or hence why you are getting some people pass, remove the complete trigger or the tracking

    • BrianCook-614f2's avatar
      Community Member

      So if I eliminate the completion trigger at the end, will the completion of the quiz also give me a pass/fail status? eg. Completed/pass of Completed/fail?  Thanks!