Forum Discussion

BrianAllen-LNRS's avatar
Community Member
4 months ago

Looking for ideas for Navigation Help menu tab

I'm primarily looking for a workaround, but am also low-key wondering if I've run into a bug (or two) or if this is intended functionality.

We've added a "navigation help" tab to our elearning course template. We noticed early on that if we leave the slide state set to "automatically decide" Storyline will restart slides from the beginning of the timeline when the Navigation Help menu is closed. Pretty problematic if the user was halfway through a 10 or 15 minute video.

However, when we set those slides to "resume saved state" we found that we were no longer able to go back and review slides that have video and were set to automatically advance.

There may be a better way to work the Help menu functionality, or a better way to do a lot of things, but I'm currently a little stumped and am interested in feedback from the community.

Here are two examples I mocked up...

Course player with slides set to "automatically decide" -

Couse player with slides set to "resume saved state" -

  • Difficult to recommend as I don't know how you are creating your nav, my presumption is that it is slide and close jumps back to previous.

    I would add it to a slide master layer instead and trigger it off the tab by incrementing a variable

    • BrianAllen-LNRS's avatar
      Community Member

      "... my presumption is that it is slide and close jumps back to previous."

      Yes, jump to slide, then jump back to previous. Do you believe that putting the nav help on a slide layer and triggering by variable would somehow resolve the behavior we're seeing when we go back to previous slide?

      If previous slide has video, and it is set to resume saved state, and the slide is set to auto-advance, we have found that you cannot go back to review/revisit that slide once it is done. This seems like a bug...

      And does anyone know how "automatically decide" even works? It's crazy to me that someone can be halfway through a 20 minute video when they launch the nav help, but "automatically decide" will still start the 20 minute video over from the beginning when they come back to the slide.

    • BrianAllen-LNRS's avatar
      Community Member

      I would add it to a slide master layer instead and trigger it off the tab by incrementing a variable

      Interested how you would implement the variable here... more so, what's the purpose of the variable


  • Going back on a slide set to resume, I suspect you had a trigger to jump to the next slide when the media completes; as the media has completed, it jumps straight back.

    Automatically decide is one or the other (resume, restart). It uses some rules to decide which one to implement, typically that there is something interactive on the slide.


    You can use a slide master layer, which will not stop the video (you can set the layer to pause). I would use the variable to show that layer on any slide as you cannot directly show slide master layers from a slide or the player. You may want to ensure the layer that shows does not hide other layers. 

    • BrianAllen-LNRS's avatar
      Community Member

      Going back on a slide set to resume, I suspect you had a trigger to jump to the next slide when the media completes; as the media has completed, it jumps straight back.

      Yes, this feels like a bug to me. Very poor user experience if it's intended functionality.


      Automatically decide is one or the other (resume, restart). It uses some rules to decide which one to implement, typically that there is something interactive on the slide.

      I suspect you're right about this... It would be good if the rules were expanded to include progress through media, e.g. if someone has viewed 25% or more of a video then it would resume saved state, vs restarting from the beginning.


      You can use a slide master layer, which will not stop the video (you can set the layer to pause). I would use the variable to show that layer on any slide as you cannot directly show slide master layers from a slide or the player.

      Thanks for the suggestion. I looked at this as a potential solution, but I'm triggering the navigation help menu from a player tab and couldn't figure out a way to natively trigger a variable from a custom player tab.


      In the end I decided to launch the navigation menu in a lightbox. Not ideal but it resolves all the issues I was experiencing with the other methods.


      Again, thanks for the help and suggestions, much appreciated.