Forum Discussion

MelanieGiova292's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Menu option during quiz deck inconsistent


I'm having an issue with my quiz deck in scene 4. I have the menu locked for this scene, but there are some quiz slides in the deck the menu shows up for still. I am attaching the .story file in case anyone can take a look and help me. I have no idea how to fix this problem!



  • Hello Melanie,

    I appreciate you chiming in to share what you are experiencing and for sharing the .story file so that I could take a look.

    It sounds like you're experiencing the same issue with different player settings on various slides. I'd be happy to help you with this.

    Your default player settings are set to display the Menu and the Glossary:

    Some of your slides are set to the Player Defaults, which will show the Menu on your question slides:

    In contrast, you have some slides set up with custom player settings as well:

    This explains the difference you see across your slides. Be sure to check your slide properties and adjust as needed.

  • One more thing! For some slides, after the next button the tab will default to Glossary instead of the Menu tab. Is there a way to fix this? I didn't see a setting for it in the player.

  • Thank you! I was looking at the settings only from the Story View. I really appreciate the help!