Forum Discussion

NathanWallis-1a's avatar
Community Member
10 months ago

Microlearning, Tracking progress and completion options.

The last step of my Microlearnings is a Course Completion page that includes a long list of additional resources and hyperlinks that I would like my learners to have access to but not be required to scroll through and view to complete the course. However, my LMS will not report a learner as having completed the Microlearning unless they scroll to the very bottom of this last step.

When developing a regular rise course I have the option of tracking course completion via a percentage of the course a learner must finish to mark as completed. Alternatively, I've previously used a camouflaged Storyline block inserted on the final course lesson to register a course completion.

Are there any similar methods I could use in microlearnings to address this need? Unfortunately, right now I'm just having to add a Statement block to alert learners of this completion requirement as seen in the attached image. 

  • Hi there, Nathan! That's a great question! Microlearning content must be viewed 100% to be marked complete. 

    Could you create a PDF of your resources and attach that to the bottom of your Microlearning page using an attachment block? You could also embed it so that it can be viewed right within the Microlearning using a multimedia embed block, but learners don't necessarily need to scroll through the entire PDF to be marked complete. 

    Let me know what you think of those ideas! 

  • Hi- I too have been creating a statement block to say: 'Make sure to scroll to the end', but when testing in Moodle/Totara sometimes this (scrolling to the end) isn't always registering completion. Sometimes you also need to sit there for a second for it to register. There does need to be a better way to do this, if microlearns are to be used, as simple completion is very important. Thanks

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hello Brent,

      Sorry for the trouble, and I'm happy to help! Does the completion issue happen to all your microlearning courses or only to specific ones? Have you also tried testing your course in a different LMS to confirm if the behavior you're experiencing is specific to Moodle and Totara? SCORM Cloud is a great environment that you can use for this purpose. Here's how to test your course on this platform: 

      If you can replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, would you be willing to open a support case with us so we can look at your Rise course?

  • I have a microlearning with a Storyline embedded, and it is not bookmarking when user exits before completing the Storyline block. It makes user start the Storyline block from the beginning. Is there any way to bookmark the storyline within the Rise microlearning? 

    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Shelly,

      A microlearning is essentially a Rise course with a single Lesson.

      A microlearning follows the same resume rule as a regular Rise course: on resume, always start at the top of the last accessed Lesson/microlearning. 

      So the answer to your question is unfortunately no.