Forum Discussion

JeanMarcLaumond's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Modify variables managed by storyline

Good morning I have a questionnaire with random questions to create. If the construction does not pose a problem my questions are a little complicated to know that we can for example ask a question which expects a yes or no answer and if the answer is good we ask why. I therefore added a layer which asks why and which allows you to add an additional number of points to the Quiz1.ScorePoints variable. except in the end this addition is ignored. I therefore created a bonus variable which accumulates the points of a possible additional question and before moving on to the result slide I add bonus with Quiz1.ScorePoints so that the bonus is taken into consideration in the success or not of the test. And to my surprise I noticed that for example 10 + 10 = 10 !! can you confirm that Quiz1.ScorePoints cannot be modified by such a process? and is there a solution to achieve this. THANKS