Forum Discussion

LNoelJefferson's avatar
Community Member
2 days ago

Moving Player Controls to the Center

Hello Community,

Is there a way to move the player controls to the center after removing the seekbar and play/pause? I found the javascript to hide the play/pause and replay.


  • Thanks so much for the replies. Sorry for the delay in responding.  I've been looking for the community conversation that provided the instructions to remove the "replay" with no luck so far. However, here's the CSS: 

    1. When the timeline starts:
      document.getElementById("reset").style.display = "none";
      document.getElementById('play-pause').style.display = "none";

    Once the play/pause and replay buttons are removed I've like the remaining player controls to be centered or moved to the left if possible.


  • Nedim's avatar
    Community Member

    Did you find the JavaScript code to hide the play/pause and replay buttons? This is something that can usually be turned on or off by default in Storyline and requires no JavaScript. Could you explain in more detail or, at the very least, upload a few screenshots showing what you have removed and what is still left to be centered or adjusted?

  • faruk74summy's avatar
    Community Member

    Yes, it is possible to reposition the remaining player controls (such as the volume control, settings, fullscreen, etc.) to the center after removing the seekbar and play/pause button in a video player.

    • JoeFrancis's avatar
      Community Member

      Care to elaborate? Or are you just spamming this group?

      • LNoelJefferson's avatar
        Community Member

        I've elaborated below. Please show more kindness and patience in your responses. We're all here to learn more. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    This can probably be done with CSS. Can you show how you removed the play/pause and replay butons now? Then I can possibly help you with a piece of CSS.