Forum Discussion
compare 2 dates in storyline
I need to compare 2 dates in storyline, test if date users entered is todays date and if not bring error message
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
With Javascript you can.
- DafniDean-a4e6aCommunity Member
thank you for reply
not very familiral with javascript so can you help?
- MathNotermans-9Community Member
I could, but you first have to clarify your needs better. What dates are compared ? How do users enter those ? How is it checked that the dates entered indeed are proper dates ?
If date users entered is todays date = always correct.... because todays date is today :-)
- DafniDean-a4e6aCommunity Member
fantastic thank you so much for your help
- NedimCommunity Member
If the slide layout and time allow, this could be enhanced by enabling the learner to select the date, eliminating the need for them to type and match the required format. A text entry field could easily be used as a date picker, and the selected date could then be compared to the required date. This could be achieved with JavaScript as well.