Forum Discussion
MP4 issue: media playback aborted
I have created a course in Rise 360 and uploaded some mp4 screen recordings. They worked initially, but now I am getting this error message. Any ideas on why?
Thanks for reaching out!
I understand you're receiving an error message when viewing the screen recording in your course. I have a few clarifying questions to help me better understand the issue.
- Is this happening when previewing the course or when published?
- Have you tried viewing the course in a different browser and making sure the browser is up to date?
- Have you tried removing the media file and adding it again?
If you're comfortable sharing a copy of your course with our team in a support case we'd be happy to take a closer look! We'll delete your files from our system once troubleshooting is complete.
- RACHELSCHMITTCommunity Member
Thanks so much KellyAuner. I have checked again today and they are now working, so it must have been something to do with my machine or system. Thanks again.
I'm glad to hear that, RACHELSCHMITT! Thanks for sharing that the screen recordings are working now on your end.
If you need help with anything else, please let us know here in the E-Learning Heroes Community or privately in a support case. We'll be happy to assist you.