Forum Discussion

LindseyBall-0fc's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Multi-select answer options reported in wrong order

Hi there,

I have a course with a mix of single-select and multi-select questions. We're trying to capture answer-level reporting to assess our users. I have answer shuffling turned off. If answer options are set in Storyline are A B C D, in that order, they appear as C B A D in tincan.xml, so our reporting is being thrown off. Aside from manually updating tincan.xml to reflect the correct order, is there something else I can do to cement the answer option order? What am I missing?

Thank you!

  • Hi Lindsay and Sam,

    Good news! We are no longer seeing this bug in the latest version of Storyline 360 (Build 3.72.29699.0) where publishing to TinCan (xAPI) causes the order of any Multiple Response questions to be randomized or shuffled.

    To insure you don't continue to see this bug download the latest version of Storyline 360 via the Articulate 360 desktop app. Here's an article on how to do that.

    Please let us know if you're still noticing the issue, and we'd love to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.

  • Hi Lindsey, I see the same problem as you. It looks to me like the report needs to map the unique IDs associated with each response rather than rely on the order that the responses appear in.

    Therefore, when a users response is "choice_61EvxPj6QpD[,]choice_5mnfmaa8JSe", this would then map to the following in tincan.xml file.

    <description lang="und">Frog</description>
    <description lang="und">Newt</description>
  • Thank you Sam. I'm really hoping there's a solution to get the order to appear as it does in the file. But I appreciate your feedback!

  • Hi Lindsay and Sam,

    Good news! We are no longer seeing this bug in the latest version of Storyline 360 (Build 3.72.29699.0) where publishing to TinCan (xAPI) causes the order of any Multiple Response questions to be randomized or shuffled.

    To insure you don't continue to see this bug download the latest version of Storyline 360 via the Articulate 360 desktop app. Here's an article on how to do that.

    Please let us know if you're still noticing the issue, and we'd love to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.