Forum Discussion
Help with error repot/publishing to Review 360
Hi, I'm getting the following error when trying to publish to Review 360. I know the project is large, but I've published other large projects without incident. Can you help?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ErrorReport xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Message>An error occurred while uploading to review/uploads.</Message>
<StackTrace> at async Task<TResult> StreamJsonRpc.JsonRpc.InvokeCoreAsync<TResult>(RequestId id, string targetName, IReadOnlyList<object> arguments, IReadOnlyList<Type> positionalArgumentDeclaredTypes, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Type> namedArgumentDeclaredTypes, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool isParameterObject)
at async Task<Result<ReviewResponseArgs>> Articulate.Design.Publish.ThreeSixty.Model.Review.CreateAsync(string title, string reviewId, string reviewZipPath, string thumbnailPath, IProgress<int> progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken)</StackTrace>
I recently had an error when trying to publish to Review. I fixed it and perhaps this will work for you, too:
- Launch the Articulate 360 program on your computer. (Not Storyline)
- Sign out.
- Sign back in
- Go back into Storyline and attempt to republish.
This webpage on Diagnostics might help, too.
- KendalRasnake-1Community Member
I recently had an error when trying to publish to Review. I fixed it and perhaps this will work for you, too:
- Launch the Articulate 360 program on your computer. (Not Storyline)
- Sign out.
- Sign back in
- Go back into Storyline and attempt to republish.
This webpage on Diagnostics might help, too.
- LeighHallCommunity Member
Thank you so much! That worked!!