Multiple Choice Screen Reader Access
So I created multiple choice questions via the built in feature for questions, and everything appears to be able to be read by the screen reader (some questions it will not read the choices or let you tab through them, and some it will), and the focus order appears to be correct, but when my friend went to select an answer, it would not select the answer she actually selected, but a different answer entirely.
So two issues here:
1. For some multiple choice questions the screen-reader does not pick up on any of the answer choices
2. For other questions, the answer the learner choices/hovers over does not line up with what is actually selected on the screen. (i.e. someone wants to select answer A, but when they do, the answer choice bubble for C fills in)
Not really sure what is going on here, particularly with the 2nd issue. Accessibility is a critical component of our courses. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!