Forum Discussion

HollyKidson-bb2's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Navigating in Edit Mode in Rise 360

I'm working on a course in Rise 360 that has a TON of sections.  When I want to do a quick hop between those sections to edit something, update formatting to match, compare images, etc., I have to:

  • scroll through my long list of sections,
  • open one,
  • check/edit,
  • then go back to the list of sections,
  • scroll through again,
  • find the next section I need to review
  • make changes, etc. 

It seems like a little thing, but the longer I spend working in this course, the more I wish there was an easier way.

Am I missing an option that would improve this workflow?  Or is this a feature we could request?  It would be so much easier if, in edit mode, I had the side menu like I see in preview/publish mode so I could quickly click between the content I need to review and update.

Thanks for your thoughts!

  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member

    Nope...that pretty much sums up what you have to do. I wish I had a better workflow to suggest for you. There is a lot of time wasted scrolling.

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Holly,

    By "sections" I assume you are referring to Lessons, as Sections cannot be opened.

    Otherwise the process you are describing is correct. There currently isn't another way of navigating between the course level page and the individual lessons. 

  • I can say you are not the only one who is feeling the pain! For such obvious and small things to improve, my estimation is that you will see it in five years.

  • Just discovered another thread/feature request on this over 4 years ago. So now I am updating my estimation to 10 years.