Forum Discussion

DavidMirsky's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Need help playing .story file on iPad

Hi. I'm trying to figure out if I can play a .story file on my iPad using the mobile app. So far I'm having problems.

Here's the situation:

Back in 2014, I was looking for work and an acquaintence mentiioned e-learning and Articulate Storyline. I was intrigued, so I installed Windows on my Mac and created a sample project with the demo version of Storyline. I eventually decided not to pursue work in e-learning, so haven't looked at my project since then.

However, I'd like to look at it again but I no longer have Windows or Storyline on my computer. So, I've downloaded the mobile Articulate app on my iPad, but the app itself is an example of extreme minimalism and I'm not sure how to get it to work.

I do have my own website and have been able to upload it so it's accessible with a link such as this (I've chosen not to provide the real URL):

But I'm still not sure how to get the mobile app to play the file at that link. I ran Safari on the iPad and entered the URL but it then prompts me to download the file, but that's not what I want. I want it to play within the Articulate app. Is there any way for me to do it?

Thanks in advance. 


    • WendyFarmer's avatar
      Super Hero

      Sometimes if you make too many posts in a short space of time the system thinks it is spam and blocks it...e.g. if you posted this here and copied/pasted to another forum shortly after.

  • Hi D. Mirsky,

    Sorry about that! Our team monitors flagged or reported posts for false positives and releases them to the community as soon as possible. I see that you’ve reached out to our Support Engineers and are working with my teammate, Cleo. You’re in great hands! We’ll continue the conversation in your support case. 

  • the last update (4.2) of "Articulate Mobile Player" was 3y ago = no longer maintained -> the app is dead
