Forum Discussion

cgaitherautotra's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

New to Articulate

Hello Everyone,

My manager has asked me to reach out to some companies that are using Rise 360 and Storyline 360 to see if you have any best practices that would help us get our process down quicker and better.

We have just started using Articulate and will be integrating with Docebo LMS.

I would love to connect and get some good tips and tricks.


Thanks - Cleo

  • Well, establishing a process is a good place to start. Actually, processes... 😊

    Consider all the development and publishing steps. And consider how those integrate into the overall Learning & Development program. In other words, don't forget needs analysis. ("Training" is not always the answer to a problem.)

    Here are things to consider that are related to using Articulate 360.

    Establish a naming convention for files and folders. If you and your colleagues will be using Storyline, there should also be a naming convention for objects, motion paths, and variables.

    • There's no "one right way" to name things. It depends on what practices are already in place (for example, if courses are numbered), as well as preferences. 

    Establish standards for creating, storing, sharing, and backing up files. 

    • Storyline courses (that is, the .story files) should only be created, edited, and published on a local drive.
      • If multiple people need to work on the same course, you need a process for transferring the file to ensure no one inadvertently edits an outdated copy.
      • Even if only one person works on a each course, you need a process for consistently backing up the .story file in a location where others can access it in case of emergency.
    • If you have an Articulate Teams account, you need a process to ensure that Rise courses are set up so that multiple people can access, edit, and publish each course. The User Guide about Teams has more info:
    • If you and your colleagues have individual licenses (that is, you don't have an Teams account), you need a process to ensure that copies of Rise courses are sent to someone else in your company who has an Articulate 360 license.
      • Again, this is so courses are still accessible if someone has an emergency or leaves the company. 

    You'll also need processes for handling reviews, for publishing, and for uploading and testing in the LMS. 

    Good luck!

    • cgaitherautotra's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you so much for your feedback and advice.  

      We are creating our ILT courses for e-learning so we can offer them in smaller blocks of training to our users.

  • Hey Cleo - some best practices my team use or are starting to use (these may be different for you):

    1. Figure out what kind of course it is. Is it just information or is it something else. Tom has some good blog posts on that: 
    2. We create an Instructional Strategy document to capture our design intent and overall course flow.
    3. Design documents help us implement that design intent in a consistent way. 
    4. Slide templates- creating our own library of common slide interactions.
    5. Storyboard in Storyline itself. We publish it to word and then the client can review that. We then can have developer notes in the staging area around the slide.

    Some excellent suggestions from Judy too.