Forum Discussion

ChristinHebron's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

New to Community

Hello there,

I'm new to this community! I'm looking to learn Storyline. I was wondering how I can get started with elearning heroes? Are there any tutorials or follow-along in the weekly challenges or do we just have to look up information to figure out how to build the weekly challenge? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. 

  • Articulate has lots of tutorials and user guides. They're great for getting started and looking up basic information. You can find them here: 

    There are also many on-demand videos covering special topics: 

    You can use the weekly challenges as inspiration for what to build, or come up with your own projects to build. Then try to make it work. Check the above resources as needed. 

    If you get really stuck on a certain problem and can't find a solution in the Forum, start a new discussion to ask for help. 

    • Explain what you're trying to do, plus what is and isn't working.
    • Troubleshooting is much easier when one can look at the .story file. It's also easier when that file only contains the slide(s) with the problem. And when all the objects have relevant names. 

    Best wishes for success!

    • ChristinHebron's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you for your response. I went through the older weekly challenges, I don't see any comments or posts. Are they deleted after the challenge is over? If I do them, where can I post to get feedback from the community? Do I just post in the discussion board or provide a link on the board to my blog post? 

      • JudyNollet's avatar
        Super Hero
        I went through the older weekly challenges, I don't see any comments or posts. Are they deleted after the challenge is over? 

        As far as I know, the comments on the challenges are not deleted. However, they appear after other info and links to related content, so it takes some scrolling to find them. 

  • MastiHoney's avatar
    Community Member

    It is my understanding that the comments on the challenges are not deleted as far as I know. In spite of this, they appear after other information as well as links to related content, so you will need to scroll a little bit to find them. 

  • Hello Masti,

    Thanks so much for posting in this thread!

    I wanted to confirm with you and others that we do not delete the comments within these challenges so you can come back to them in the future!

    Just as a reference point for anyone coming across this thread, here is the complete list of E-Learning Challenges: 

    Hope this helps! 

  • MorganShell's avatar
    Community Member

    I understand that the comments on the challenges are not deleted, as far as I know. Despite this, they appear after other information and links to related content.

  • JamesDavid's avatar
    Community Member

    Welcome to the eLearning Heroes community! Getting started with Articulate Storyline and participating in the weekly challenges is a fantastic way to learn and improve your eLearning design skills. Here's how you can get started:

    1. Explore the E-Learning Heroes Website: Visit the and create an account if you haven't already. The website is a hub for eLearning professionals, and it offers various resources, forums, challenges, and tutorials.

    2. Navigate to the Weekly Challenges: On the E-Learning Heroes website, you'll find the "E-Learning Challenges" section. This is where you'll find the weekly challenges. Each challenge has a theme or topic that you can work on to practice and showcase your skills.

    3. Participate in Weekly Challenges: Click on the current week's challenge to learn more about it. The challenge post will include details about the theme, objectives, and guidelines. You can then use Articulate Storyline to create an eLearning example based on the challenge.

    4. Follow Tutorials and Resources: For each challenge, you're encouraged to design and build your eLearning module, but you're not alone. Many challenge posts include helpful tips, resources, and tutorials that can guide you through the process. These resources can provide valuable insights and techniques.

    5. Share Your Work: Once you've created your eLearning example for the challenge, you can publish it and share it in the challenge thread. This allows you to receive feedback from the community, learn from others' approaches, and showcase your skills.

    6. Learn from Others: Don't hesitate to check out the submissions of other participants. You can see various interpretations of the challenge and gather inspiration from the diverse range of designs and solutions.

    7. Participate in Discussions: Engage with the community by participating in discussions related to the challenges or other eLearning topics. This is a great way to connect, share, and learn from others.

  • JamesDavid's avatar
    Community Member

    According to what I understand, the comments on the challenges are not removed. In spite of this, they come before other details and links to associated content.