Forum Discussion

DiegoBouzas's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

Next button doesn't seem to work on a question page with an extra layer.

Hi Articulate community,

I have a question page with 3 layers: Correct, Incorrect, and Reveal. If you answer the question incorrectly, the Incorrect layer will show a Reveal button that takes you to the Reveal layer, where the correct answer is displayed and the next button is enabled. However, when you click on the next button, it doesn't take you to the next page. Instead, it seems that it only refreshes the current page.

Here is a review link to an example:

I have also attached the corresponding Storyline file.

Can you please help?

Many thanks.

  • Weird. I thought it might be a bug from a previous version, but I've got the latest update, and it still happens. I tried adding a "jump to next slide when user clicks Next" trigger, but it still reloads the same slide. And I don't see any other triggers that would cause that.

    So I'd say this is what is politely called "unexpected behavior." I suggest you submit a case directly to the Articulate staff. You can do that here: