Forum Discussion

AnnaEames's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Next Button not re-enabling

Hi everyone,

I could really use some help. I've disabled the Next button because I want users to click on all elements of the lside before they can progress, but try as I might, I cann't get it to pop back up. I think the triggers might be interfereing. I've tried everything I can think of (true/false variables, number variables, and states). I've attached hte slides in question (the user has to click on all three buttons on slide 1, two buttons go to a layer, one to slide 2). Once they've clicked on all three slides, I want the next button to come back on, and they can use that to progress to slide 3. I've attached a sample (I hope!).

Thank you


  • BobStryker's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Anna,

    I think the thing that is holding you back is that the Storyline player is not actively evaluating changes in button states when the participant returns to the hub screen. The timeline is idle.

    The attached file changes the Next button state to active when any of the three options are clicked AND the other two have been visited. 

    Note: For speeding the testing process, I unlocked access to the three options during the summary narration.

    Also, in my opinion, this design might be easier to manage if it the three information screens were either layers or slides -- but not a combination of the two. But that's one of the good things about Storyline, options abound!

    Hope this helps!


  • AnnaEames's avatar
    Community Member

    Bob, that worked brilliantly in the test file - thank you so much for that. Unfortunately it didn't transfer over into the real file despite removing all triggers and following your instructions exactly. I ended up removing the slide and starting again from scratch. I took your advice about having it all as layers, and it still proved tricky, but we got there in the end. thank you so much for taking the time.

  • BobStryker's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Anna. I imagine that made for quite a number of layers! 
    I'm glad you found a solution.