Forum Discussion

AaronRose-87e31's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Not everything is a Lesson

I'm wondering why everything is called a Lesson. Some content I want to add, to provide structure or outline information at the outset of a course, is an Introduction or a Welcome or any number of things that aren't Lessons. For the learner, seeing everything referred to as a Lesson is confusing. Also, it adds up as a total number of lessons that isn't actually accurate, because something like the Introduction shouldn't be counted. Is there a way to change the term Lesson?

  • KarlMuller's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Aaron,

    Students do not see the word Lesson that appears in the Rise course menu.

    Click PREVIEW in your course, and the word Lesson will disappear.

  • That is not entirely true. When you preview, and even when completing a course, at the end of each piece of information (Lesson) it says:

    Lesson 2 - Welcome 

    Then you have to click on it to go to the next section(lesson).

    Lesson 3 - Introduction

    etc., etc., These are not always lessons. As I said, these are sometimes just sections of information that you want clearly layout and include some content in. And even if you made these their own sections, you would still have to put a Lesson under it to put in the information. and then you end up reading the word Lesson as you move through the information.

    Here's a screen shot of the template I have been laying out. The grey button on the bottom says:

    Lesson 8 - 1.2 Title (to go to the next lesson)

    1.1 Title is actually ONLY the 1st lesson in the course. 1.2 Title will ONLY be lesson #2, However the learner would read that and think they were heading to their 8th lesson. Any total count of lessons in the course will give the learner a false number. They will be told there are 20 when there are in fact only 10.

    How do you change this so that ONLY actual lessons are called Lessons and are counted as such?




    • KarlMuller's avatar
      Community Member

      Hi Aaron,

      As I specifically stated above:

      "Students do not see the word Lesson that appears in the Rise course menu."

      I was referring to the references to Lessons and Quizzes as shown below:

      The "Lesson" references that you are referring to that appear in the top and bottom navigation areas, come from the Label Set that is being used by your course. You can edit the Label set and change Lesson to whatever word works best for you. We use Item instead of Lesson, as this label is applied to everything that was created as a RIse Lesson, and not only Lessons that contain educational content. 

      See my post here (one down from the top) about creating a custom course Label Set: 

  • As my follow up response was not re-asking about "Students do not see the word Lesson that appears in the Rise course menu." I had read your above statement and was asking about a different aspect of the issue. It did not require the "As I specifically stated above".

    Thank you