Forum Discussion
NVDA and Storyline lightboxes modern player
Thank you both, sorry for not acknowledging your messages, I used to get a notice in my email when someone has replied but I didn't receive anything. StevenBenassi I will upload the source file and will try to do a screen recording. ID4WiscState thank you for all the tips. It is interesting I avoid lightboxes now in the modern player as I don't like how far away the close button is to the interaction, but I have alot of old modules that now have to be looked at and lots of lightboxes.
My other question for the Feedback pop up windows for correct/incorrect. I have to go in and turn off accessibility for the oval and the checkmark, but the rectangle itself is also turned on, can I turn it off as well so the screen reader just reads the feedback title and text box and button? Or does the rectangle have to stay accessible for the screen reader to read the info inside. Just thought I would add that just in case :) We have been taking it off...
You can turn off accessibility to the rectangle, just leave it on for the textboxes themselves.