Forum Discussion
Object intersection not working
- 2 years ago
Hello Everyone!
I wanted to share some great news! We are no longer seeing this bug that prevented the Object Intersects trigger from working when intersecting with an object that was part of a grouped object in a Storyline course.
Please make sure that you are using the current version of Storyline 360 (3.72.29699.0). This guide walks you through installing, updating, and opening Articulate 360 apps.
Please let us know if you're still encountering the issue and we'd be happy to continue troubleshooting with you in a support case.
Dear team,
Writing to you in March 2022, the issue has not been fixed.
I use Articulate storyline 360. I want what I thought to be a simple interaction: Have an object appear after a reader scrolls to the end of a text. I found this thread but so far no solution there. I have tried the following options without the desired result:
1) Chris Hodgson's Deep Sea infographic/interaction
2) Trying the 'when object intersects' trigger listed above. In preview mode as well as in Review 360 there is nothing but blank space.
3) Trying the 'when object is dropped on' trigger. Preview mode shows slide, but object does not appear after quote hits line.
Is there a simple trigger that does work? Or a workaround I haven't found yet?
To be honest, I've been working with SL for almost 5 years now and I keep looking for these simple features that for some kind of reason are not simple to implement. (Image resolution not scaling, screencast not recording properly, these simple triggers). Don't get me wrong I love to learn, put in extra time to create something awesome and this community is helpful, but things like these should not be so time consuming to make and/or should be available in the next update. Not two years later.
Thank you for your time, best wishes, Syta
Hello Syta!
I'm sorry for the trouble! I am trying to view the course you've linked but it's actually just a blank slide for me. Do you mind uploading the .story file instead? If so, can you send the .story file privately in a support case so that I can enlist other members of our Support Team for testing?