Forum Discussion
Open ended questions in Rise
I am considering Rise to build a Leadership training course. One of the requirements is to have fill-in-the-blank questions that are open ended i.e. there is no correct or incorrect answers defined. I tried keeping the Acceptable Answers field blank, but that did not work. Does anyone know if this is possible at all in Rise? That is, can users submit their answers (no word limit) without being told whether their responses are correct/incorrect?
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
This feature is currently not available in RIse. It is a frequently requested option though.
- DeblinaSenCommunity Member
Hi Karl. Thanks for that. Yes, I would imagine it to be a popular question type.
Hi Deblina!
Have you considered designing the fill-in-the-blank question on a Storyline slide, then embedding it in your lesson using a Storyline Block? That way, you can customize the question however you like!
Pro Tip: hide the Storyline player so the question flows seamlessly in your Rise 360 lesson.
- DeblinaSenCommunity Member
Hi Alyssa.
Thanks for the idea. I tried this option using the Survey question type - Essay. I was able to include it in a lesson in Rise. However, I could not see an option to add a Storyline block to a quiz. Ideally, I would like to have the question as part of a quiz. Is that possible?
- KarlMullerCommunity Member
Hi Deblina,
Unfortunately you cannot add a Storyline block to a Quiz.
You can only add a Storyline block to a Lesson.
- CameronSaundersCommunity Member
Using the method above, Is it true that it then ceases to responsive on mobile? My SL blocks appear small and almost illegible when put into Rise and viewed on a mobiile.
- KateMcInnisCommunity Member
We embedded a storyline block into Rise but not sure how this information is captured in the learners' activity LMS report. Any advice on how we can download the responses that learners submit?
Hi Kate!
Rise 360 won't send the learner's response from a Storyline Block to your LMS. We're looking at ways we can incorporate survey-style questions directly in Rise, and we'll let you know if we add that feature in the future!
- RhiannahTuck798Community Member
Hi Alyssa! I'm curious - has this feature been added yet? If not, are there any plans to add it in the future? Thank you!
- JohnDoyle-f08a4Community Member
Hi - Recently had a similar need to get ungraded, open-ended answers into the LMS along with graded quiz questions, without impacting the score of the graded quiz. Implemented a solution for SCORM 1.2 and 2004 that can be added to exports from Rise. Reach out anytime if helpful.
- CameronSaundersCommunity Member
Thanks John - brilliant job - I've pm'd you now.
- GreggAlpertCommunity Member
Hi John. Thank you for sharing your success in making this happen. Could you share your process? I am interested in having learners answer open-ended questions as well.
- HeatherRayboldCommunity Member
Hi John. I just sent you an email. Thank you!
Hi Cameron!
Storyline blocks on mobile devices should open on top of the Rise 360 lesson, so that the slide fills the width of your mobile screen. You can always rotate the device to landscape mode to increase the size of the slide.
- LNoelJeffersonCommunity Member
I have a similar issue to the originally asked question. So there is not a way to create an open-ended question using the Rise fill-in-the-blank functionality? Open-ended meaning there is no right answer. If not, then how should the fill-in-the-blank functionality be used? Seems that if the user does not get all the characters exactly right, the answer will always be incorrect.
Hi, LaRhonda!
The fill-in-the-blank question type is great for questions that have a single-word or a short phrase answer. You can even provide a word bank to ensure learners don't misspell the answer.
If you're looking for an open-ended, long-form question type, I suggest embedding a survey from a third-party tool (like Google Forms or Survey Monkey) using a Multimedia Embed block.
Use this iFrame code format for easy embedding!
<iframe src="URL HERE"></iframe>
- LNoelJeffersonCommunity Member
Is this something that can be placed on the product roadmap for future Rise versions? It would be incredibly helpful to have this open-ended functionality.
Hi LaRhonda! We're still tracking the requests for this feature, and we take these requests into consideration when planning for the roadmap.