Forum Discussion

JoshuaBenefi081's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

"Password" protected course options

Hello everyone, 

I was recently tasked with building a course that is restricted to only a certain set of users.

Initially that number was believed to be around 100 users, so the course was developed with a text entry box, where user would only enter their ID number and using a trigger of "if TextEntry =value XXXXXX1" or "if TextEntry =value XXXXXX2" etc.  If the user's ID number was set as one of the values, they would be allowed to proceed.

However, I just learned that the number of users is almost 3000! Is there a better method (other than manually entering 3000 values) of somehow utilizing a spreadsheet, or csv to reference those values?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! 

  • Hello Joshua,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    Password protection of a course is usually din in the LMS, which is also where courses get assigned to certain user groups. If your course isn't hosted on an LMS, you can check out this ELH post where members of the community shared their solutions for password protecting their courses: 

    Hope this helps!

    • JoshuaBenefi081's avatar
      Community Member

      That's what I was afraid of, that this capability was usually handled on the LMS side. Unfortunately there is a significant backlog with the developers and they would't be able to implement this in time for us. Looks like I may have to enter all the values in manually after all.

      I appreciate it!

  • You are using:

    a trigger of "if TextEntry =value XXXXXX1" or "if TextEntry =value XXXXXX2" etc

    If that provides enough security for your purposes, change the condition part of the trigger from “=“ to “is between”.

    • JoshuaBenefi081's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks Walt, I wish it was as easy as that, unfortunately the ID numbers vary between 5 digits and 7 digits, but I will definitely keep that in mind for the future though, thanks!

  • It might still be doable, you would just have to use multiple triggers, one for each sub-range.