Forum Discussion

ThomasUmphres's avatar
Community Member
9 months ago

Pick Many Question with Choices from a different Layer

I have a pick many question where I want learner to select from many devices on the base layer, but then jump to a secondary layer and choose between a few devices as well before submitting the question and thus triggering the Correct, Incorrect, or Try Again layers.


However, it appears in "Form View" that only choices from the base layer are available. Is there a way around this?


I could probably get around this by making this non-quiz question with just logical ifs with states, but using pick many is much cleaner.




  • As you discovered, all the "pick" choices need to be on the base layer. There are some possible workarounds, though.

    • Give the secondary choices an Initial state of Hidden. Then add triggers to change the appropriate secondary choices to Normal when the user clicks the corresponding primary choice. But whether or not that's doable depends on the overall layout, i.e., whether objects will fit properly.
    • Another option could be to have off-slide buttons that represent the choices the user makes on the layer. In other words, each secondary choice on the layer would have a trigger that selects the corresponding off-slide button on the base. Those off-slide buttons would be included in Form View.