Forum Discussion

RamakantThorat-'s avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Place holder text in Rise

Hello Team,
Is there any way how to know that there is placeholder text in the rise course. In my case what is happened is, I got the Rise course from the client and I created a copy of the same course. And after all translation was done, we delivered the localized courses to client. But client informed us that there is some placeholder text in the course for one of the lesson, which is not visible in the course, but it gets appeared in the exported file which we used for translation.

Can you let me know if we have any option to catch such unwanted texts appearing in the exported XLF content.

  • Hi Ramakant! Do you know what block the placeholder text appeared in?

    The placeholder text may appear from a block type that can be converted to other blocks. One example of this is a Paragraph with Heading block that you can change into a Heading block. The paragraph text is preserved in the background in case you want to switch it back. 

    However, if you replaced the placeholder text with your own custom text, then it should no longer appear in your XLIFF file. 

    Let me know if you have questions.