Forum Discussion

  • Hi Elizabeth! Thanks for the link, but this seems to be another problem because it's only on mobile devices. On desktop view there is no play button. Also I don't have any media on my slide so there shouldn't be a button in the first place, right? :/

    And the preview screen for mobile devices inside articulate shows no play button as well...

  • Here you find a workaround / fix for the mobile start screen.  It is still working properly as i checked it after the last update...

    PS. When checking your site... it seems that you use Storyline purely for creating interactive elements on a HTML page. If thats the case and you are creating purely interactive HTML elements then Storyline isnot the tool you should use. Its intended for e-learning and although it does output HTML, the HTML you can create better in other tools. For what you are doing now...its better to keep clear from rapid authoring tools like Storyline.

  • Hi Math,
    I checked out the other thread and did a search&replace on the u.trigger(c.startOverlay.READY)});this.onStart()  but it still doesn't work and I have no idea why?

    An idea what could be the problem? I'm using Storyline 3...


  • debug it. Unminify, add console.log("now this is happening"); statements to the code and check whats wrong. Storyline3 might have this on other spots then 360.