Forum Discussion

AndreaBorsoi-1d's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Player to display only one language (in multi-language branching method)

I have created a one-.story course branching into three languages, from a starting slide (at the moment no variable, simply routing to different branches/scenes, one per language, that have same structure (core, test) with each branch test ending in a single result slide (so to be able to pass 'complete' to the LMS by completing the test in only one language). I used branching to be able to retain full use of layers/states for effects. I found out that the menu in the Player is now showing all three languages, which is not good. I was wondering if anyone knows a method (Javascript? Via variables set in the initial node-slide when users chose the language?) to show the menu text only in the language chosen. 

I read of methods to recreate a menu in-slide, but I am reluctant to try (also do not know how to do that, to be honest) to avoid complications with the 'accessibility' of the course (menu player); I assume that the standard player is best for that, only that I would need it to show only one language in it at the time.

Plan B would be to separate the courses in the LMS asking users to do the language choice before embarking on a language specific SCORM, but this would be less ideal. I also read about putting one SCO per language in a SCORM but I have never done that and lack the knowledge (studying, experimenting, but the ideal for a solution for also future cases, would be for me to be able to control the language shown on the standard Player according to the branch chosen.

Has anyone an idea how to achieve any of the above? Any pointer, I would be ethernally grateful.




  • Hi, Andy,

    The built-in Menu can be edited to include/exclude specific slides. However, whatever settings you use apply to the entire course. In other words, you wouldn't be able to switch between settings for different languages.

    Also, the built-in Text Labels (that is, the standard messages that appear, such as the warning that you need to answer a question before clicking the Submit button) can only use one language at a time. 

    That's why most folks I know use a separate Storyline file for each language. A good LMS should allow the user to select their preferred language and launch the appropriate course.