Forum Discussion

BruceRonk-638d1's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Playing Vimeo Videos in Storyline (autoplay and seekbar)

Hello All,

I am trying to embed Vimeo videos into my Storyline file using the embed link provided by Vimeo. So far, the video does play from the published output. However, I have to use the Vimeo playback controls to start/pause the video.

I'd like to be able to both autoplay the video when the page loads, and play/pause the video using Storyline's seekbar, just as if the video was directly inserted into Storyline, as opposed to using the Vimeo playback controls.

This is mostly because I want to time my storyline animations with the video, but that only works if the seekbar can actually control the playback of the Vimeo embedded video.

Can this be done?


  • for autoplay add "?autoplay=1" to the link on import "Video from Website"

    <iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allow="autoplay" ></iframe>

    but you cannot control the vimeo video with the storyline navigation seekbar

    UPDATE: storyline trigger for "Video from Website" are not supported


  • Thanks so much Jürgen,

    Your idea definitely worked, as my video did play automatically in both Chrome & Edge. Too bad we cannot control the playback using Storyline's built in player/seekbar, but at least the autoplay works!
