Forum Discussion

JH-d12f9bfa-674's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Please Help! - "Resources" Headline Text Formatting in Storyline 3??

Hi, I'm trying to adjust the font size, color properties, and verbiage for the headline that shows up under the Resources tab when I click it to view PDFs attached to our course.

None of the "advanced color editing" items under "Player > Colors and Effects" seem to address it... I've been through all of them testing with a fine-toothed comb many times as best as I can see.  - What am I missing?

Please help, our customer insists this be fixed, but if I can't change it from white, without affecting the other text objects, we will have to change the entire course's color scheme to make that one little line readable, and we've spent huge amount of time customizing and getting its current color scheme approved through many layers of review up and down the chain. This would be an absolute nightmare if unfixable. Please help!! :)

(It would also be great if you could also let me know how to adjust the color of the Resources tab when selected, or darken its text as well, without changing what we've got working great for the other tabs).

Screenshot attached! Thank you so much,

  • Ah, fantastic! Thanks very much. I was able to find its GUI selector buried deep in the Player items as "Editor > Text," although that made the size jump too big w/ regards to the rest of the fonts in the Player. So this is a much better way to target the specific text and adjust it independently. Thanks again!!