Forum Discussion

MichaelNilss577's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

Poster frame in video

Hi again!

My company produces videos and when there is a fade in from black in the beginning, the video frame is always pitch black before hitting play. Is there some way to designate a poster frame that is shown before hitting play so that it looks more appealing to click on than just a black still...? I work primarily in Rise.

  • HolleyBerley's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi Michael,

    If you upload your video to a video host (like Vimeo) you can choose your thumbnail yourself.  When you embed it into Rise (using an embed block), you'll see the thumbnail you picked out instead of the black screen.  Plus, you'll get some video stats from the video host (i.e. # of views).  This will work even if the video is set to private.

  • This is a much requested feature to include poster frame option in video block. It’s better to have this to avoid any last minute video production change requirements during production of e-learning. Because using a poster image is always a good option then rerender a video again and again.

  • Thanks for asking, Michael!

    The first frame of the video will always display in Rise 360. If your video fades in from black, the poster frame will display black.

    While there isn't a way to choose another frame as the poster frame, I appreciate you letting us know you have a need for that!

  • Thanks, guys! I will avoid fade-ins then and place one single selected still frame in the video first as a test to see if that works... We don't upload to Vimeo and Replay 360 I am not familiar with, will check it out... But definitely a feature request from me... 

  • We're tracking requests to select a poster frame for videos in Rise 360. I've added this discussion to the list, and I'll let you know here if we make any changes!

  • Any chance of seeing this in the near future...? I am working on another big project and I can see that I am going to need this functionality often in the future.

    • Crystal-Horn's avatar

      While we're still tracking this request, this enhancement isn't coming in the next few months. I hope that helps you to plan.